Friday, November 18, 2005

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Last night I went to the 12:01 showing of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Quite good, I'd say! :) The theater was packed, the crowd was excited, and there was one movie trailer that I'll never, ever forget... hehehe, it was hilarious. But I can't say what it was... because that would spoil it!

I'll update with more impressions later.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Happy Birthday Toph!

Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday to Toph,
Happy Birthday to me!


Woohoo! Today's my birthday! And, in honor of that, I though I'd give a long-overdue update on the state of things.

MOVIES That I've Recently Seen


Flightplan really capitalizes on the current national state of mind, and it ended up as a pretty good, if not spectacular, movie. There are a few very thought-provoking moments, and it sure keeps you guessing.

Well, it kept me guessing, at least. :)


The first thing I thought about this movie is, "Wow. That doesn't sound like a sci-fi movie name." I'm suppose I'm used to something as blunt as "Star Wars." :)

Speaking of which, Serenity has a number of sequences that appear to be largely inspired by SW, and it has a similar overall feel, albeit with some very, very brief moments that lean more towards the "horror" genre. A few things for SW fans to look out for:

  • Serenity itself is very Millenium Falcon-esque, and the captain is very Solo-esque.
  • Space sequences seem very reminiscent of the Episode III space battle...
    ...especially the end.
  • Highly recommended for any sci-fi fan.

In Her Shoes

This isn't typically the kind of movie I would go to. Quite the opposite, in fact. And I won't waste too much time describing it, aside from saying that it does a pretty good job of what it's meant to do.


Again, I probably wouldn't see this normally. But I did like it. It's awfully reminiscent of Garden State in a number of ways, while remaining unique and funny. And an excuse for popcorn is always enjoyable. :)

WEBSITE Version 5.0 on its way

As I've said before, I'm somewhat dissatisfied with version 4.0 of my web site (which I haven't even completed, by the way). So I'm abandoning it. It didn't really accomplish the task at hand -- that is, to clean up and organize the site -- and I don't quite like the design, although I do think it's an improvement in many ways.

Just like the early stages of version 4.o, expect 5.0 to come in bits, starting with the mere skeleton of a site and then building up to its v.3 glory and beyond.


I must be off now, so fare thee well. :)

Sunday, September 25, 2005

School, Rockets, Segways & Websites

Well, school has started again. It's been pretty good so far -- and the BSEC has been born. :D

Standing for either "Beaver Science and Engineering Club" or "Beaver Society for Environmental Catastrophe," the BSEC is a new club I've founded with a couple friends. We're focusing primarily on rocket, potato guns, and robots. Hehe... it should be fun. :)

However, the most exciting news of the past few weeks is that I got to ride a Segway! Last weekend the Third Annual AltWheels Transportation Festival took place at the Larz Anderson Auto Museum. My Phyiscs teacher suggested I go at the last minute, and I sure am glad I did! Seascoast Fun Rides (website under construction) was giving 5-minute Segway demos on a p-Series. I got to go on one -- it was really, really fun!


I'm currently in the conceptual stages of redesigning my website... again. Yes, I'm unsatisfied with version 4.0, which isn't really even done yet. The new site will feature a more unified look across all pages, including the home page, which is currently a random Flash thing. I think I'll have a quick Flash intro, but have the regular site be mainly just good old HTML.

I'm also hoping to get this blog on the front page, if I can ever figure out how... I need a web-based RSS newsreader... hmm...

Monday, September 05, 2005

Last Day of Summer

Three posts all summer long. Not so great, eh? Well, school -- yes, dreaded school -- is now upon me. I have just over eight hours left until I begin. It's been less than one since I finished my summer reading. Fortunately, I ended on a good note -- Rocket Boys, which inspired the movie October Sky.

While I haven't been a reliable blogger, I have still kept track of my summer. Oh yes indeed. It's probably my most well-documented summer ever. It's just that the documentation has yet to be sorted out. Perhaps, if I ever find some free time, I shall "retro-blog" as I said I would in my last post.

One last thing, before I retire for the night. In honor of the summer of 2005 drawing to a close, I have renamed this blog from the faux-egotistic and initially-temporary title of "Toph's Awesome Blog." It is now entitled, quite simply, "Toph Tucker." It matches my website better, and -- with luck -- eventually this site will match that one in style as well.

That is all for now. Happy September, and fare thee well.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Two Years Old

As of Wednesday, my blog is exactly two years old! Wohoo! Wanna know why I missed it? Probably 'cause I haven't posted here in over a month. Sorry about that. :( Here are some quick updates.


Half Blood Prince

I went to Barnes & Noble at midnight and got the new Harry Potter, and finished it three days later. That's the fastest I've ever read a Harry Potter book, and (I think) the second-fastest I've read any book. It was quite good, albeit sad... well, that's all I have time for now.


I uploaded some minor changes to my site yesterday, including a revised home page. Check it out. More changes coming at the end of the summer, although I'm thinking of giving up on this version -- too messy, really, and I still haven't gotten it all working -- and skipping on to a very similar version 5.0.


Mere minutes from now I'll be on the road, heading for a wedding in New Hampshire. From there, on Sunday, we'll be going on to Taconnet. So I'll be relatively out of touch for the next month or so.


I have been keeping track of what I've been doing this summer... just not here. :) So I've been thinking of "retro-blogging" -- altering the time & date manually to make it look like I actually have been posting all this time. If I do, though, I'll put a little disclaimer towards the bottom.


Okay, gotta go. Fare thee well.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Last Day of School

Wow... I've been so busy lately I've barely been updating at all. Since my last update, I've studied for endless hours for exams, taken my exams, gotten my exams back, and -- today -- had my last day of school. I'm now, officially, a 10th grader... at least, that's what they say. I'd actually lean towards calling myself a 9th grader.

Gotta go... bed time. Late, it is. To bed I must go.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Xbox 360, Movies, and More

It's been an extremely exciting and busy time lately. For the biggest reason, head over to my new Star Wars blog, which is replacing the old Blogger one. Yes, Episode III has come out, and yes, it's awesome!!! :-D

In addition to seeing Revenge of the Sith six times so far, I've been swamped by homework, projects, and exam review. Here's my attempt at a worthy blog update.


Xbox 360

You know it's been a long time indeed when a whole new console has been announced and I haven't said a word about it.

Xbox 360 was officially launched during an MTV event that aired May 12th. Then, at E3, they revealed more information... kind of. The launch has been somewhat underwhelming, but there's sure to be plenty of new information as the launch -- this fall -- approaches.

It seems like X360 is going to be slightly less powerful than the PS3 this time around, but they're very, very close. That's interesting, since PS3 is launching 1/2 a year later. Hopefully the power differential will be balanced out by X360 being easier to develop for than the PS3.

A couple of promising games thus far include Gears of War, Project Gotham Racing 3, and, of course, Perfect Dark Zero. (What a weird name.) Also, it's been suggested that Halo 3 will launch day-and-date with PS3, which, personally, I find hilarious. Take that, Sony!

Backwards compatibility? Check... kind of. Word is X360 will support compatibility with only the best-selling games from the original Xbox. No, that makes no sense, but whatever. ;-)

One category in which X360 clearly has PS3 beat is online gaming. From micro-transactions to the marketplace to downloadable content to video chat to Live Arcade, persistent Gamer Card, reputation & stats... X360 looks to blow PS3 out of the water. You'll be able to create your own content and put it online for others to "buy" from you, as well as buy other people's custom work. Having one unified online persona really has its benefits.

Every connected X360 will have access to "Xbox Live Silver," which is basically all the features of Xbox Live but online gaming. "Ha ha," you say, "well what does that leave?" Stats, gamer ID, content download... a lot more than non-Live subscribers have today, that's for sure! Subscribe and you'll get Xbox Live Gold, which adds actual online gaming. It looks like some X360 games could get as many as 64 gamers per game, and I have no doubt someone will exceed that after a year or two.

Xbox 360 will also have Media Extender functionality built-in. Basically, that means you can stream video, music, photos and more from your Media Center PC and access it all from your Xbox. That means that, even without the optional, removable, upgradable hard drive, you can get Custom Soundtracks in every single game.

X360 versus PS3, I'd definitely go with X360. I expect the power & graphical differences to be negligible, and online/Media Center capabilities make up for all that. For more information, check out...
- IGN Xbox 360
- TeamXbox


No, I won't mention a certain sci-fi epic. You can read plenty about that at my other blog. However, a couple weekends ago -- Saturday the 14th of May, if I'm not mistaken -- I saw Kicking and Screaming in theaters with my friend, and then went back to his house and saw Collateral. I couldn't find two more different movies if I tried. The former was pretty funny, although not extraordinary. The latter was very serious, though, and rather gruesome. It was good, though. Well done.

Constitution Day

"WASHINGTON - The Constitution long has ensured that Congress can’t tell schools what to teach. But that’s no longer the case for at least one topic — the Constitution itself."

That just about says it all. Click here for more.


Last night I dreamt a little group of neighbors, including me, cleansed the neighborhood of all wildlife and then re-introduced only our favorite animals -- which, strangely enough, happened to include a giant man-eating frog. It got loose and started scaring people off. I think that's when I woke up.


Gotta get back to History now. I've probably spent too much time on it as is. Fare thee well... and do yourself a favor and go see Episode III!!!

Saturday, May 07, 2005


Today I took the SAT II Physics test. Fun. Not. I didn't even finish the test. Oh well... I'm glad it's over.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Forza, SAT IIs, and New York, oh my!

Today we finally got Forza Motorsport, which I actually got for Christmas but which didn't come out until this week. I've barely gotten to play at all, but so far it's great! You can customize you car in I'd say about a duotrigintillion ways. In addition, you can use the "Drivatar" technology to train your own AI driver who drives just like you do, and then have your Drivatar race for you in races you don't want to do yourself. You can also race against your own Drivatar, which is cool. Forza also supports split-screen and Xbox LIVE play.

(I've loved racing games on Xbox ever since the original Project Gotham Racing, which was one of the very first games we got.)

In other news, I'm taking the SAT II in Physics this Saturday. Fun. Not. And my brother's going to New York tomorrow with the 7th grade, just like I did two years ago. They stay until Friday. (Friday the 9th grade also has a field trip: going to a Red Sox game!)

I have to go to bed now. So bye. :-)

Sunday, May 01, 2005

So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish

Today we saw the 5:30 show of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I liked it, although I don't think it lives up to the book. Still, it does an admirable job. I thought the casting was great, and the opening scene is hilarious. It's a fun movie -- I'd recommend it.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Tests and Weekends

First of all, I had three tests today. Actually, I technically had only one, but I also had a quiz and an exam. (Quiz in Spanish, Test in Geometry, and Exam in History.) They weren't too bad, but still - it's a bit much, I think.

Second of all, I realize I never wrote up an overview of my long weekend, so here goes.



We went to Fever Pitch for the second time, which was fun. We saw the Episode III trailer again -- my fifth time in theaters -- which was even better. (We didn't have Friday off, mind you.)


We went to my older sister's birthday party.


First we went to my cousin's First Communion, and then to the after party at his house. That night we went to another birthday, this one for a family friend. That took up pretty much the whole day, but I got some good reading in what with all the commuting. Actually, I got quite a bit of reading done almost every day of the long weekend.


Patriot's Day! Every year we've always gone to a parade out in Concord (where my grandparents live) and then to watch the marathon at Heartbreak Hill. This year we managed to get Red Sox tickets and went with a few friends! The marathon route passes very close to Fenway, so we stopped by before leaving and watched for about 30 seconds, as opposed to several hours last year. When we got back there was some Xbox to be had, and then a little game of baseball with those same friends we went to the actual game with. Ugh.


Web site work, which I had also done some of the other four days, and homework. I was up pretty late, so now I'm tired.


That long weekend made this a three-day week for me! Last week was also a short week, but for a different reason -- I was out sick on Wednesday.

I have to go do homework now. Fare thee well.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Congrats to the New Pope

Congratulations to Pope Benedict XVI. I'm sure it's no coincidence that he was chosen exactly one month before Episode III is released. :-)

New Home Page!!!

I've just completed and uploaded a brand-new home page, unlike any it's ever had before. Complete with a Star Wars theme to celebrate one month until Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, it's done entirely in Flash. Check it out!

(I've also completed miscellaneous other updates around the site.)

I worked on the new home page some last weekend, but I did most of it over the long weekend -- we had today and yesterday off form school. Anyway, enjoy the new look, and tell me what you think!

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Fever Pitch

I just saw Fever Pitch tonight, and it was great! They also had the Episode III trailer playing before it, which was a nice surprise. :-)

Sunday, April 03, 2005

End of Vacation

At 8:00 tomorrow, I must go to school. Grr. Silly school.

Oh well... I actually got some web site stuff done today! And saw Miss Congeniality 2, which was pretty good.

Friday, April 01, 2005


Just this morning, I was abducted by evil aliens trying to take over the world!!! They broke into my bedroom through the window at 4:00 this morning, while everyone else was still asleep. They grabbed me from my bed, immobolized me with some kind of stunner, and then loaded me onto a hovercraft that was hovering outside my window. At that point the commotion woke up my brother, who came in to see what was happening. They stunned him, too, and then flew off to their mothership with me!

Once onboard, I was interrogated by their Supreme Overlord. He asked me all sorts of random questions -- how old I was, what my hobbies were, and so on. Just then, right in the middle of the interrogation, there was a fire drill on the mothership! I couldn't believe my luck. We all walked calmly but quickly from the Overlord's chambers, just as we had been taught to do. As we were all lining up so the alien fire chief could take our attendance, I spotted an escape pod right next to me! While the rest of the aliens were preoccupied, I dove into the pod and slapped the eject button. (I couldn't read the alien writing, so I just pressed the most prominent button, and it worked!)

By the time they noticed I was gone, I was already re-entering Earth's atmosphere. They shot at me a couple times with their laser cannons, but I was too far out of range. I had made it! I had escaped!

I landed in a field in Virginia. Sadly, I didn't know how to operate the parachute or reverse thrusters or any other landing equipment the pod might have, so it was quite a hard impact. The pod totally destroyed the surrounding field and an adjacent pod -- I hear you can see the crater from space!

So anyway, now I'm back safely, but I'm going to be tried for involuntary manslaughter on a massive scale. Too bad... I'll try to keep you updated on any new happenings.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Hans Brinker

Another thing: we watched "Hans Brinker" tonight, which is a hilariously dated skating movie. The acting is, shall we say, sub-par. :-)

Walt Disney World

Just a couple hours ago we got back from Disney World in Orlando, Florida. It was very fun!!! Here's my report.

Day Zero (Thursday) -- Disney Board Walk

We arrived on Thursday, March 24. As soon as we got to our hotel room (roughly 18:45) I rushed to the TV to see if they had Cartoon Network so I could watch Chapter 24 of Star Wars: Clone Wars, which was on at 19:00. Tragically, they didn't. We got the laptop set up, though, and downloaded it from soon thereafter. We also went outside and explored the area behind our hotel, called the Disney Board Walk. There "Jeff" pointed us in the direction of a little restaurant -- and arcade.

Day One (Friday) -- Disney-MGM Studios

We spent our first full day at MGM, which remains my favorite of all the different parks. There we went to see, among other things, "Star Tours," Indiana Jones, "Lights, Motors, Action," and the nightime spectacular "Fantasmic!"

Day Two (Saturday) -- Epcot

Our second day was spent at the land of the giant golf ball. We saw (among other things) "Honey I Shrank the Audience," "Muppetvision 3-D," and "Test Track," which I did not go on.

Day Three (Sunday) -- Magic Kingdom

The Magic Kingdom is probably the most famous of the Disney parks. We spent the morning at attractions like "Big Thunder Mountain," "Splash Mountain" (which I didn't go on), Buzz Lightyear, Indy go-karts, and the Country Bear Jamboree. We went back to our hotel by way of Epcot shortly after noon, and then returned at night for the amazing parade and fireworks. ("Sal" helped us out then with seating suggestions.)

Day Four (Monday) -- Disney-MGM Studios, Disney Board Walk

We returned to MGM on Monday, this time doing "Who Wants to be a Millionaire - Play it!" twice and even more "Star Tours." I went on Star Tours five times total duirng our vacation. Later in the day, we fully explored the Board Walk, again assisted (this time in our quest to learn more about Disney's navy) by Jeff. We rented a little pedal-powered buggy to ride around the lake on, which was quite an interesting experience.

Day Five (Tuesday)

That's today! We spent a bit of time on the Board Walk, then packed up and left. Disney World was lots of fun -- perhaps when I have a bit more time I'll go more in-depth with my opinions on it.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Disney World

In 24 hours, I will most likely be in our hotel room in Disney World. Again, I'll be sure to report in afterwards!

In other news:

Yesterday and the day before yesterday, my family did the exact same thing at night.

  1. Watch the latest Clone Wars chapter
  2. Eat dinner while...
  3. ...watching The Incredibles

We finished The Incredibles yesterday. It's a very good movie, and the DVD has some absolutely hilarious extras, which we also watched last night. Note that when I was watching The Incredibles last Saturday, it was with some friends, separate from our little family watching campaign. :-)

Monday, March 21, 2005


As of 14:10 this past Friday, I'm on vacation! This time, my family's actually going somewhere, which is rare for us. This Thursday we're flying down to Florida to Disney World! It'll be the first time my brother or I have gone.

I'll report in when we get back.

Sunday, March 20, 2005


Over the past three days, I've seen parts or all of nine movies.

The Perfect Score (all)
Carolina (some)
Ace Ventura (some)
Austin Powers (some)
Forrest Gump (all)

Millions (all)
The Incredibles (some)

Robots (all)
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (some)

The Perfect Score was weird. Forrest Gump was good. Millions was trippy. And Robots was very good, very funny, and very fun to watch.

Bed time... adios!

Wednesday, March 09, 2005


Today, the first details surrounded the next-generation Xbox (code-named "Xenon") emerged at the Game Developer's Conference. Click here to see IGN's coverage. Sounds very cool indeed!!! :-)

Friday, March 04, 2005


We're studying Homer's work in History, and so our teacher suggested we watch Troy. It was pretty good.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Well, I had my two exams yesterday. They went all right, I didn't end up spending too much time on them.

The good news is: we got today off because of it. The bad news is: we would have had today off anyway, because of the snow. Why couldn't the snow wait just 24 hours!?!?!?

The bad news is made even worse by the fact the Middle School, for no apparent reason, got yesterday off -- they don't have exams. My brother Willy is part of the Middle School. I was fine with him getting Monday off, since I knew I would get today off, but now he's gotton both days off! Very unfair indeed. :-(

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Dogs & Exams

Random Rosie Comment of the Day:

Boy, it's been a while since I've had one of those, hasn't it!? This entry, though, is actually largely about Rosie, and not so random...

This past Monday (which I had off... go presidents!) was the one-year-anniversary of us getting Rosie!!! I have some pictures that, with luck, will get on my web site sometime within the next year....

This past Tuesday was even more exciting -- our neighbors got a new cockapoo named Cooper! He's very cute. He met Rosie for the first time yesterday, which was very entertaining -- Cooper kept on hiding under the chairs, where Rosie couldn't get at him, and then jumping out and attacking Rosie's cheek, neck, or tail. Rosie, in turn, would paw at Cooper, occasionally trapping him.


This Monday we have our first exams of the year. You see, we have each class for two out of the three trimesters, so we have our first exams 2/3 through the year. Fortunately, I have only two on Monday: Physics and Freshman Seminar. In fact, I really only have one (to study for, at least), because the Freshman Seminar one is almost exclusively opinion-based.

I'm certainly not looking forward to the end of the year, when I'll have four. :-(

Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! :-) Valentine's Day means candy, and candy means goodness... yay!

Today at school we got our Math tests back. As a matter of policy, I don't state my grades, but I will say that I've gotten the exact same score percentage-wise on this Math test, our recent History quiz (both were last Friday -- we got the History quizzes back 15 minutes after taking them), and the History test before that. Crazy, isn't it?

However, my Math score looks like it's about to be overturned due to some noble arguing by a few of my classmates and I regarding question #16 during class today while reviewing the test. Here's the problem. (Specifics may be off, but the gist of it is right.)

Line AB is congruent to line BC. Line AD is congruent to line BD. Line CD is a perpendicular bisector of line AB. True or false.

I say false -- you can draw it so it's either way, so it's false. The teacher says true. What do you say?

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Patriot's Parade = No School!

Since the Patriots Parade is today, we were told that, if we had permission from our parents, we didn't have to go to school today! Yippee! :-) I would have gone, but we'd get nothing done in class anyway with so few people.

Go Pats! :-)

Sunday, February 06, 2005


Congratulations to the good ol' New England Patriots, winners of Super Bowl XXXIX!!! YIPPEE!!! Four championships in as many years for New England... not too bad! :-)

Feel like checking who won the last 38? Head on over to MSN Search (advertised today during the game) and search "Who won Super Bowl [insert number here]?"


Tuesday, February 01, 2005

More Mirrors

We've actually just started studying mirrors in physics class (what a coincidence!), and I'm rapidly losing confidence in my explanation of why objects in mirrors are closer than they appear. It still makes a tiny bit of sense, though -- in a strange, pointless kind of way... ;-)

Additionally, I'm now reaching greater understanding of the part mirror curvature plays in image size. For a long time I've had a basic understanting of how the light bends differently because of the curve, but only now am I learning about focal points and focal length and such. Light is an extremely interesting subject. :-)

Enough of this light enlightenment... back to Spanish homeowork. :-(

Sunday, January 30, 2005

More Sledding, "Kiss me Kate"

This past Saturday I started the day off with a trip to the bookstore. Next I went sledding at the same place I went last week. Much of my old camp remained, though the new snow had made it a bit harder to see.

This time I actually sledded a bit more, but I also spent a lot of time building a nice little snow tunnel with a neighbor of ours. (His younger brother was there, too, but he was sledding most of the time.) The snow's deep enough that we could build a nice deep tunnel with a sturdy roof and not have to increase the natural depth of the snow at all. :-)

Last night we went to my uncle's school's production of Kiss Me, Kate, which was good. It had a couple of especially funny parts, such as a random wandering donkey and a nice little dead bird!

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

School & Snow

Despite rampant AIM-based speculation to the contrary, we did have school today. Oh well. Yesterday's snow day was very enjoyable -- my younger brother's friend came over and we played videogames (Halo 2 & Mercenaries) and went sledding.

Almost the entire time they were sledding, I was working on a little base camp at the top of the hill (so would it be a... umm... summit camp?). I flattened out a pretty big area -- plenty of room for the three enough, with plenty of room for a couple more. The flattening was crucial -- there was so much so it was next to impossible to walk otherwise. I then created custom-made spots for out tubes. I also defined the top of our run, complete with a queue area. I also made an elevated flattened area -- the "Snow City Cafe." There I had three little bowl-shaped indents in the snow for eating our M&Ms out of. :-)

Videogaming was also, of course, plenty of fun. I had one particularly great solo game (meaning my brother & his friend were doing something else) of Team Fiesta on Beaver Creek. I ended up winning the game for our team with 20 kills. At the end, I was doing really well with a rocket launcher -- I was so proud of myself. :-)

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Super Bowl and Snow Day!!!

The Patriots are going to the Super Bowl!!! :-)

And -- it can't get much better than this -- we even have a snow day tomorrow because of all the... well... snow! I've had very few full weeks recently -- last week we had Monday off for MLK Jr. day and Tuesday off for Parent/Teacher Conferences! We have about two feet of snow here. It's amazing!


Mirrors and Mercs

Thursdays and Tuesdays at school for me are double-block days -- we have only two classes (not counting Art), but we have each for twice as long. That means 2-hour classes. Fortunately, we're given a ten or fifteen minute break in the middle of class so that we don't get quite so worn out.

This past Thursday I had Geometry for the last two hours of school. During our break, I suddenly realized something I had never known before: why objects in mirrors are closer than they appear. Coming back from the break, I burst back into class and said, "I know why objects in mirrors are closer than they appear!" The two other kids in the classroom at the time seemed a tad bit confused as to why I was randomly saying such a thing. I explained it to them, and then to a few other kids as they got back from break. I was exceptionally excited about my discovery, but no one else really cared that much. ;-)

Anyway, here's why objects in mirrors are closer than they appear.

.......................3 feet.............................
YOU -------------------- MIRROR

You're only three feet away from the mirror, but the light has to go there and back again.

YOU -------------------> MIRROR

Thus, those three feet are doubled! Get it? Pretty cool, huh? The effect is exaggerated in a car, since you're not looking at yourself -- you're looking at something else farther back.

..........................................YOU --------> MIRROR
OTHER CAR <------------------------ ................

Late last Tuesday night we got the LucasArts game Mercenaries, but I just had my first chance to play it today. (Willy's been playing it all week, and he's still only a little more than a quarter through the game.) It's awesome! I highly recommend it.

The game takes place in at least 2008. Australian forces uncovered a North Korean nuclear weapons cache, and the Allied Nations (basically a new UN) pours into Korea to take out this new threat. Your goal in the game is to capture or kill (capture is preferred) the "deck of 52" -- 52 North Korean leaders. There are also several side-quests -- races, challenges, et cetera.

So far, though, I haven't really played the main game -- the only card I've captured is the Two of Clubs (at least I think it's clubs). Instead, I've had fun hijacking vehicles, demolishing cities with devastating airstrikes, and sending cars skyrocketing into the air with huge amounts of C4. You can also call in supply drops, where helicopters come and drop off weapons, vehicles (including fuel trucks, tanks, sports cars, and helicopters), and more.

The helicopters have this really cool retractable magnet clamp thing -- you deploy it and then it hangs beneath you, and then you can latch on & pick up anything from supply crates to civilian cars to tanks and other helicopters. Just make sure you don't try to get anything that's too heavy, or it'll end up dragging you down!

Again, I highly, highly recommend this game. :-D

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

10,000 Black Holes

10,000 or more black holes are now said to be orbiting the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy, known as Sagittarius A*. Wow.

Cool Clock

Check this out. It's really cool! :-)

Thursday, January 06, 2005


Wahoo - it's a snow day!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

Hmm, what to do... how about a mix of web site work, videogames (we got MechAssault 2 & it's great!), and homework? I'd say that's pretty likely.

Monday, January 03, 2005 v4.0 is ONLINE!!!

As of last night at about 11:45, the first parts of Version 4.0 are online. For information on some of the changes, click here. Since I'm not yet totally done with all the content, you may still stumble upon some old-style pages, broken links, and various other missing content. Over the next few weeks I'll be uploading the rest.

The updates to the TuckLyne section (including the Athena and TuckLyne Studios subsections), by the way, will be significantly farther off in the future, since that requires a whole new design. Note that TuckLyne itself will also be reorganization somewhat. There's a lot of stuff that's kind of hiding in the shadows, and that needs to be fixed. Just today I stumbled upon this section on the TuckLyne web site, which I don't remember AT ALL and which is thus completely out of date. I don't even know some of those people listed in the staff section! That's the stuff that needs to reorganized, merged into other divisions, or outright eliminated.

Well, it's dinner time for me, and then homework. Today was my first day of school after break... so sad... anyway, be sure to check out the new site! :-) Adios!

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Vacation is pretty much over.

Well, today is my last day of vacation, which is extremely sad. While I don't have a good enough memory to remember what I did every single day, like I did for Thanksgiving break, here's an overview of what I did with dates when possible.

Dec. 17 (Friday):

This was our last day of school... yay! After school we went to Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events, which was pretty good.

Dec. 19 (Sunday):

Some friends came over, including a rocket scientist who helped us recover some files from a dead computer. ;-) Then we played a lot of Halo 2 - a lot of Halo 2. A lotalotalot. By the end of the night we had gotten pretty good!

Week One in General:

This week I did a lot of web site editing, reading, and Halo 2. :-) My brother came home from California, which was very nice! We ended up playing Halo 2 with a lot of different friends that week... it's a great game!!!

Dec. 24 (Friday):

On the 24th we went to a friend's house for a Christmas Eve party and generally got even more excited for Christmas. :-)

Dec. 25 (Saturday):

CHRISTMAS!!! :-) On Christmas we opened presents, talked with a lot of people who came over, and then went out to my grandparent's house in Concord to have a little family party.

I also started watching these funny Star Wars cartoons I got, "Droids." They're not meant to be funny... but they are. ;-)

Dec. 26 (Sunday):

We went to a nice little baptism in the morning and then a party at the family's house later at night. My younger brother and I also played a lot of Dance Dance Revolution with our older brother... actually, I was playing "Rome: Total War" most of the time! :-)

Week Two in General:

This week there was a lot less web site work being done. ;-) How could I get such things done with all that Christmas excitement?!?

Dec. 27 (Monday):

My older brother's flight back to California was scheduled for the 27th at about 6:00 AM, meaning we weren't expecting to see him at all on Monday. Fortunately, the snow cancelled his flight, so he ended up going home Tuesday instead!

Dec. 28 (Tuesday):

Willy's friend came over and they went sledding while I took over the world in Rise of Nations, which I had started playing the previous day.

Willy's friend ended up sleeping over, and that night we randomly met his brother online in Xbox LIVE!!! The chances of that happening are absolutely miniscule, yet it happened.

We alternated playing Xbox LIVE and watching more of the hilarious Star Wars cartoons. We also started watching "Battle for Endor," the second in a series of two live-action Ewok movies... we started with the second by accident.

Dec. 29 (Wednesday):

Rosie turned ONE!!! We had a little birthday celebration, complete with a cake that she couldn't eat. Oh well... she got little doggie treats instead.

I continued watching "Battle for Endor" and also saw a big of the first movie, "Caravan of Courage."

Dec. 30 (Thursday):

I worked on an old "TuckLyne Studios" production, "Survivor or Not," and also worked on a Special Edition of an animated Star Wars movie I did in 7th Grade as a book report for the book "X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar."

Dec. 31 (Friday):

I continued work on Starfighters of Adumar. That night, we had a few friends over for a New Year's Eve gathering. We watched Napoleon Dynamite, which is an incredibly strange movie. A little more than halfway through, at about 11:50 PM, we switched to ABC or CBS (I forget which... all I remember is that Regis Philbin was the host) for their New Year's Eve coverage.

JANUARY 1, 2005!!! (Saturday):

Happy New Year! We watched a bit more of the New Year's coverage on TV, including some of the fireworks in Boston. Then we finished Napoleon Dynamite, said good-bye to our friends, and went to bed...

...and woke up the same day! That doesn't happen very often. I watched most of Star Wars: Episodes I and II in celebration of the fact that Episode III comes out this year!!!, and then went to The Polar Express at the Comcast IMAX Theater in Jordan's Furniture. Contrary to what nearly every critic thought, it was really good.

That night I finished my work on the Special Edition of Starfighters of Adumar.

Jan. 2 (Sunday):

Today! Well, today (so far) I've had breakfast and written this. Later today I'll work a tiny bit on my web site, UPLOAD IT ALL (despite the fact that it's practically guarenteed I won't be totally finished), and -- this is the worst part -- do my homework. I think it should be illegal to give kids homework over vacation. Fortunately, I don't have much.

Well, that's all. Farewell!