Thursday, April 17, 2008

Superhero Idea

A superhero who, instead of getting his power from the sun like Superman, got his power from killing people. And with his power he could save people. The ratio would be something like 100 people saved for every 1 person killed. Can you imagine the moral dilemmas?!? (Note: having him kill "bad guys" is a cop-out. There are essentially no villains in this.)


  1. Anonymous5:08 PM

    If there are no villians, then who is this theoretical superhero saving people from? Disease? Natural disasters? Might as well save himself the effort of killing people and get his medical degree.

    Although, I do appreciate the moral dilemma :)

  2. Haha yeah, something like disease and natural disasters... stray asteroids, maybe--a medical degree won't stop that!
