Saturday, June 07, 2008

Last Post as a Beaver Student

This is my last post as a student of Beaver Country Day School, my school for the past 7 years. We graduate tomorrow. Since I've never before posted here except as a BCDS student, I thought it an appropriate time to quickly attempt to answer the question: why?

This blog has been utterly pointless since the beginning. Every so often I may post something interesting, but the vast majority of the time it's pointless. I've cut down on the pointlessness since the early days, but the question remains: why bother?

1. It's largely a resource for me to keep track of my line of thought. It's interesting for me to look back at what I was thinking in 2003, regardless of whether anyone else cares. A blog is a pretty convenient format for that.

2. I don't have a #2.

So there you have it. Farewell. :)


  1. Anonymous1:02 AM

    I care.

  2. Haha thanks.

    I suppose I do have a #3: every once in a while I have a sort of interesting thought or link. But there are probably better spots for those than this blog. Hm.

    Maybe that could've been #2.
