Thursday, July 08, 2004

I'm writing this from our relativity new downstairs computer, which has a newer motherboard and an even newer hard drive.

Even after we got the motherboard replaced (to fix a faulty Ethernet adapter), we were having plenty of problems. Just yesterday a guy contracted by Dell to replace our hard drive came by and did so. Everything seems to be running smoothly -- so far.

Random Rosie Comment of the Day:
The day before yesterday (Tuesday), she managed to snag the singing little hamster we have in our kitchen. Yesterday, she did it again -- and I got pictures! Those pictures will be on my site in a matter of days, as part of the coming preview of version 4.0.

Also the day before yesterday, Rosie had a brief encounter with the neighborhood killer cat, Max, who catches and eats all sorts of animals. (We love him, though!) Max was sitting on a chair and Rosie came by and kind of sniffed him. I grabbed her by the collar, and Max hissed and basically ran off.

Finally, Rosie got her stitches out today. Yay!


I'm off to watch Waiting for Guffman, a great movie that I highly recommend. Adios!

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