Monday, May 31, 2004

I'm back! In case you're wondering, I've been studying for my 2-hour Math exam on Wednesday. Not fun...

Anyway, last weekend was LOTS of fun. The best part was that Rosie got to come with us! She went swimming a few times, met a few friends, found a dead fish, and plenty more. She was really good staying with us; when she did wander off the path, she was quick to return. We had s'mores Saturday night and another fire Sunday morning, though that time there weren't any marshmallows involved. (But there was hot chocolate!)

We canoed around a bit -- actually, "dinghied" around would be more appropriate -- including one time when I had to head out to retrieve a wayward tennis ball. We also visited Day's, which is a nice little store they have up there. Finally, I read. A lot. I finished Star Wars: Shatterpoint on Friday, and now I'm almost done with Star Wars: Specter of the Past. Actually, I didn't end up having time to read nearly as much as I wanted to. I'm a big fan of Star Wars books, although reading them out of order like this kind of messes me up. One day, maybe I'll read through them all from beginning to end. I've read a lot of them -- the whole X-Wing series, the Thrawn and Black Fleet Crisis trilogies, the entire Young Jedi Knights series, the Jedi Academy trilogy, I, Jedi, Darksaber, the Courtship of Princess Leia, and more. I've read the first couple of books in the New Jedi Order series, and I'm looking forward to finishing that up. I'm also looking forward to reading Survivor's Quest, Tatooine Ghost and plenty more Clone Wars stuff.

And, while we're on the subject... there's only 352 days, 4 hours, 8 minutes and 14 seconds left until Star Wars Episode III! YIPPEE!!!

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Howdy! We just got back from Taconnet! Well... by "just" I mean "just" over half an hour ago. ;-) It was fun, and -- best of all -- Rosie got to come with us! She ever swam a bit! I'll check back with a more complete report in the morning... good night...

And only 3 1/2 more days of school!

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Today in school we had the CSP fair, where people walk around and look at everybody's presentations. It was pretty fun, and I actually learned some stuff. :-)

Afterwards, we had a little post-CSP party with ice cream and so on. While walking back from that, my History teacher, my English teacher and I walked past a sparrow. My English teacher pointed out that it was a baby, and then realized it was injured and its right eye was hurt. She went to my Science teacher and got a box full of little bits of newspaper for it, which we then -- over the next two-three hours or so -- filled with mulch, twigs, leaves and grass to make a nice little nest. We even had a styrofoam cup for it to drink out of! (Although it didn't really want to drink -- or eat, for that matter. We got it to eat, but only a tiny bit of bread. We found plenty of inchworms, but the bird wasn't interested.

One of my classmates, who helped make the next, was planning to bring the bird home and then bring it to the Tufts medical center near her house, where it would be safer. I'm not sure how that ended up -- about ten minutes before school was let out, I had to go to this meeting about redesigning the school's web site, which lasted until about 4:45. I do, however, happen to know that the bird was still safe with my classmate at pickup time.

Earlier tonight, we went to a 7:30 movie with a couple other kids. It had funny parts, but also not-so-funny parts... anyway, I have to go to bed now. Goodnight, everybody!

(By the way, I have tomorrow and Monday off -- four day weekend!!! To top it all off, next week is our last week of school! WAHOO!!! Although, since it's also my last week ever of middle school, it is a bit sad.)

Bye bye!

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Wahoo -- the CSP is OVER!! Today, a little bit past 1:20 PM, Nora Lutz completed her presentation on Nuclear War, and then we were completely DONE!!!

These days, and especially in the coming days and weeks, I'll be working a lot on V4.0 and the new TuckLyne web site, which should launch along side it. Those two giant updates should be coming this fall. In the meantime, I'll try to keep the current version up-to-date.

To top it all off, here's my first RRCOTD in a long time...

Random Rosie Comment of the Day:
She's certainly getting bigger, but she still loves (1) holding her own leash, (2) biting people (though she's getting better at that!), (3) jumping around, and (4) her squeaky hamburger.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Today, from about 9:47 to 9:57, I did my CSP presentation. I'm really glad it's all done now! WAHOO!!! I think it went pretty well... feel free to leave your comments using my nifty new comments system! Just click "comments" at the bottom of this post, and then click the link to leave a new comment.

Adios, amigos! And there's only 358 days, 1 hour, 56 minutes and 21 seconds left until Star Wars Episode III comes out! As Little Ani would say: YIPPEE!!!
I have about 2 hours 18 minutes and 26 seconds left until my CSP presentation. Wish me luck!

Monday, May 24, 2004

Yikes! We just got hit with a mega-lightning bolt here. Well, not actually hit -- but it sure was loud!

And there's another one!

We had a lot of lightning this morning, too.

By the way, there's only 359 days, 2 hours, 2 minutes and 10 seconds left until Star Wars Episode III comes out! YIPPEE!!! I can't wait. This past weekend I watched Epidode I, and earlier tonight I watched the Battle of Naboo all over again.

Today we had our first day of CSP (Creative Scientist Project) presentations at school. It lasted pretty much the whole day. I go tomorrow, from 9:45 - 9:55. Wish me luck!

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Just saw Shrek 2 last night. Very funny, very good -- especially in the second half. Other promising movies coming soon include "Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban", "Spider Man 2", "I, Robot", and -- in less than 361 days -- Star Wars: Episode III! YAHOO!!!! :-D

Friday, May 21, 2004

Howdy! Like the new look? So do I! At some time I hope to make it match more with my regular site,

Anyway, not only does this make my blog look a gazillion times cooler, it also adds important functionality -- you can now comment on my posts! Yippee! Just click the little Comments like at the end of each post and then click Post a Comment. In addition, you can now check out my Blogger profile on the right!

Sadly, my Links have dissappeared temporarily, but fear not -- they'll be back in a jiffy! Hopefully, at least.

On a totally separate note, today was my last day ever of Middle School classes! Next week we present our CSPs (Creative Scientists' Projects), and the week after that is the last week of school altogether!

Adios, amigos! And there's less 363 days left until Star Wars: Episode III!

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Guess what everybody? As of midnight last night, there's only one year left until Star Wars: Episode III comes out! YIPPEE!

Monday, May 17, 2004

Hey y'all!

Sorry it's been so long since my last post. I've had a lot going on - science project, tons of quizzes, and a big computer class project. Now I'm about to go to school. This will be my last regular week of classes, and then we have two more weeks of special schedules after that.

I have to go now. I'll try to update this again soon, hopefully with an entirely new look for the blog!

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

I've just uploaded some changes and additions to my web site.

- The entire Games section is updated.
- The various home pages have received minor updates.
- The School now has two new pages: the under-construction School Projects page, and the very beginnings of a School Trips page.
- The Library page has some minor changes. The Reviews and Editorials section, contrary to what I say on the page, is not online yet but will be soon.
- Willy's page has been updated.