Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Oh, and one more thing: School gets out for winter break THIS FRIDAY!!!! :-D Yay....
Just a little poem for all you loyal readers out there.... :)

Bobby was a chemist's son,
Bobby is no more.
For what he thought was H2O
Was H2SO4.

Many version of that abound with slight alterations, but that's the way I first heard it....

Saturday, December 13, 2003

Apple Store Japan
Check out the video - and watch it all! It'll take a while....

Sunday, December 07, 2003

SNOW DAY TOMORROW!!! (That's for all Beaver CDS students.) Happy...

We have at least two feet of snow here. I'll try to get some pictures on tophtucker.com at some point... right after I take the photos...

Also, check out http://www.muffinfilms.com/. Six and ten are the best, but look at them all.