Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Oh, and one more thing: School gets out for winter break THIS FRIDAY!!!! :-D Yay....
Just a little poem for all you loyal readers out there.... :)

Bobby was a chemist's son,
Bobby is no more.
For what he thought was H2O
Was H2SO4.

Many version of that abound with slight alterations, but that's the way I first heard it....

Saturday, December 13, 2003

Apple Store Japan
Check out the video - and watch it all! It'll take a while....

Sunday, December 07, 2003

SNOW DAY TOMORROW!!! (That's for all Beaver CDS students.) Happy...

We have at least two feet of snow here. I'll try to get some pictures on tophtucker.com at some point... right after I take the photos...

Also, check out http://www.muffinfilms.com/. Six and ten are the best, but look at them all.

Thursday, November 13, 2003

I got Flash for my birthday, so I've been updating my web site with some of that stuff lately. Go there now and admire the new navigation thingy! I'll have a couple more things posted there soon...

Also, sorry for the lack of posts recently. I'll try to be better about that now!

Saturday, October 18, 2003

:-( Cowboy down... oh well, there's always next year I suppose.

On a lighter note, tomrrows's my birthday! Now sing!

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Toph,
Happy birthday to you!

Oh thank you for that wonderful song! :-)

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Check out my new blog for Beaver Country Day School A-Team soccer. There you can see whether we won our latest game, as well as who's in the lead in our ongoing 3-on-3 tournament.

Oh yeah, and GO SOX!!! AGAIN!!! :-D
GO SOX!!!!!!!!!!

Come on, I know we can beat them tomorrow...


Tuesday, October 07, 2003


Good luck to the Red Sox and especially Johnny Damon. Although on an ongoing ESPN poll we're rated third most likely to win the World Series among the final four, more people want the Red Sox to win than any other team.

May the Force be with them!

Saturday, September 20, 2003

The new Popcorn Guy web site is up and running. Check it out. If you liked the old site, you can still find in here.

Friday, September 19, 2003

Ahoy matey! Shiver me timbers, it's September 19 - Talk Like a Pirate Day (http://www.talklikeapirate.com)! Ay, 'tis the day yer get ter talk like ol' Long John Silver. Arrghh!!!!

Oh yes, and also, I'm in the process of updating my Popcorn Guy web site, so check there soon (http://www.tophtucker.com/popcorn). The APACM just dropped off our first letter to the local AMC Theatres manager, who said he'd forward it to headquarters. Keep sending those emails!


Wednesday, September 03, 2003

School started yesterday for me. :-( Tommorrow we go on a two-day, one-night "orientation" in Vermont with all the 8th grade - the other grades have their own getaway locations.

I've been having trouble logging on to my web site server to upload new content - I had a school photo album & Taconnet photo album in mind, along with a big TuckLyne site update mentioned last time - so be patient when it comes to updates. I hope to have that resolved, at most, within a week.

The Popcorn Guy petition is now drawing to a close - it'a been going on for about a half-year - and we have 566 signatures that we'll be sending in to AMC HQ ASAP. Contact me if you want to help out.

I'll try to update again after I get back from Vermont on Friday afternoon. But don't expect this update to be the first thing I do after getting home, so don't blame me if the next update is actually Tuesday or something.

Friday, August 29, 2003

Now that I'm back from Maine, I've been working on my web site a fair amount. Mainly my TuckLyne web site (tophtucker.com/tucklyne - you can see it needs redoing), including my little TuckLyne Studios web site partially dedicated to that Kung-Fu parody I mentioned.

Lately I've also been trying to get TuckLyne "working" again - after I get the web site done I'm going to work more on advertising. Overall, I think TuckLyne is doing pretty well, and I see great times ahead for it.

Oh yes, then there's the petition to save the popcorn guy (tophtucker.com/popcorn). You know that guy who used to dance around and stuff before the movie at General Cinema? Well AMC bought General Cinema, so the Popcorn Guy's been replaced by the EVIL Filmstrip Man. Check out that web site above for more, and email the popcorn guy at SaveThePopcornGuy@hotmail.com with your name so that the APACM (Association for the Preservation of Animated Cartoon Mascots) and I can add your name to the petition. Over 400 names and counting!
We're back from Maine. It was a lot of fun - we went tubing a lot, as well as some skiing and just boating. We also roasted a lot of marshmallows.... the last week we were there we were going to make a Kung-Fu parody with a couple other families, but we couldn't get our hands on a FireWire cable and the whole thing never really came together.

I've downloaded MSN Messenger 6.0 - a huge improvement over the old version. You can have your own icon, your own background for IMing, and even make your own emoticons. You can also play one of five games with your buddy, as well as some other cool things.

School starts this Tuesday. :-( Sad.... back to the land of homework, alas.

Oh yeah - Knights of the Old Republic still rocks. ;-) And the 5th Harry Potter is good, too, but I wish ______ hadn't died....

Saturday, July 26, 2003

T-minus 57 minutes and counting....

P.S. Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox) rocks!

Friday, July 25, 2003

Tommorow I'm off to Maine for a month, so don't expect many (if any) updates for a while... we go to a place called Camp Taconnet, which is basically a bunch of little cabins you can rent. Everybody eats their meals at the central lodge, and there are 3 tennis courts and a play court for recreation. Oh, and the ping pong table in the lodge. :-) Can't forget that... Each cabin also has a little dock, and you can either tow your own boat up there or rent one from the nearby marina. Some cabins also come with a canoe or dinghy.

There's only one computer on the island - except for the occasional laptop brought up by a guest - which is why you'll see very little new here for a while.... if any.... Even phones are extremely rare - there's only one or two that you can count on being on, and those are in the kitchen and in the main office. A couple cabins have a telephone jack, but often they're hidden away in a drawer most of the time. People don't really want to be in contant while they're up there.

Anyway, adios....

Monday, July 21, 2003

Today's my mom's birthday! Yay! Now sing! Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you....

Sunday, July 20, 2003

Hi everyone! My first blog! Yippee!

That's all... I've really got nothing to say right now...